Pastor Homme Legacy Society
Planned Giving
The Pastor Homme Legacy Society is the giving society which recognizes individuals who have left a bequest to LSS Foundation, Inc. Read on to learn why our Pastor Homme Legacy Society members entrust their personal legacy to LSS Foundation, Inc.
Would you like to be remembered as a person who created a future where every individual feels valued? You can, by making a gift to the LSS Foundation.
If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write. - Martin Luther
Why you can trust LSS Foundation, Inc.
LSS Foundation Inc., has 140 years of proven results providing life-changing services. Through wars, pandemics, and other global crises, we have stood the test of time by adapting to the urgent and changing needs of our communities.
95% of the people we serve say that we improve the quality of their lives, and 97% are satisfied with our services. Through each life we touch, there is a positive ripple effect that impacts our schools, neighborhoods, community gathering spaces, and workplaces.
LSS leads the industry average on the percentage of dollars raised that are applied to direct client care. In our organization, 88 cents of every dollar go directly to program services, versus 65-75% nationally.
Inspire the Future
The Pastor Homme Legacy Society
It is with this history that we have established the Pastor Homme Legacy Society. The Society will ensure the long-term viability of Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin & Upper Michigan, Inc. (LSS) and LSS Foundation, Inc. Our purpose for the Society is:
- To recognize those who have left a legacy gift to LSS and/or LSS Foundation. Members are honored for their special commitment to the future of our organization.
- To publicly recognize current members as well as serving to recruit others to consider making a bequest or other legacy gifts to LSS and/or LSS Foundation.
- To educate members and potential members about wills, bequests and other types of legacy gifts.
Membership in the Society
Membership in the Society is open only to individuals. Our members will:
- Willingly provide notification and permit verification by a qualified staff person and/or volunteer that they have included LSS and/or LSS Foundation in their legacy/estate plan; or
- Establish a Named Fund within the LSS Foundation with a minimum of $25,000 for an unrestricted Named Fund or $250,000 for a restricted Named Fund; or
- Make gifts totaling at least $25,000 over five years to the general purpose fund of LSS Foundation.
Celebrating Your Commitment
With a history exceeding 140 years already, it’s vitally important that we sustain LSS programs and services. Donors deserve special recognition and celebration for their belief in the long-term mission and purpose of LSS. Members of the Society:
- Will be recognized in various media and publications during their lifetime. Members always are in control the release of information and may update their choice by informing a member of the Advancement or LSS leadership team.
- May opt to remain anonymous by notifying donorservices@lsswis.org at any time.
- Will be recognized for 24 months following their passing unless notified by the member in advance or an executor of the estate.
As special friends, members will often be the first to know about LSS initiatives and receive invitations to special events.
We encourage donors, family members and advisors to learn more about the Pastor Homme Legacy Society. Please contact Paul Peterson, Manager of Donor Advising, at (262) 606-8993 or Paul.Peterson@lsswis.org for more information.